
*6 is one of the easiest tools to use! 

By  Casey Eberhart

Hey Gang~~

I just wanted to write a super quick post on a little piece of conference call phone etiquette.  You see I not only host conference calls but I regularly listen in on other people’s calls to learn as much as I can.  Someday I will do a post on conference calls and all that goes along with them.  If you are not listening to at least 3 or 4 calls a week, then we should talk but I digress. 

You see, for the last couple of days I have been on “open” calls which means all of the callers are on a live feed and not muted out by the Host.  This usually happens during a question period or if the Host is having an interactive session.  If you have ever been on a call where someone is rudely talking, screaming at the kids, doing a presentation or just carrying on a conversation with complete disregard for others, you know how obnoxious it can be.  Here is a great little tip that you can use to never be “that rude tool” talking in the background.  On every call service that I’m aware of if you simply hit *6 it will mute you out.  This may seem like a tip not really worthy of a whole post but I promise if you don’t use it and are heard on the call you will not be liked!  Here is my little seed plant, take out a little piece of paper and just write *6 on it and post it next to your computer. 

Don’t be a tool, use the *6 tool!

Give someone an AWESOME day!

Casey Eberhart

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  1. Casey;

    I was with you through the whole infamous Todd Falcone guest host call- and you maintained your cool throughout- thank goodness for master mute, because no matter how much you tell people about *6, this is always a problem when you are not able to do master mute. Casey, you delivered with extreme cool and confidence- hats off to you!

    Only fools don’t use the *6 tool

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