
Networking Nugget by Casey Eberhart- Join 3 groups to find your “DREAM” prospect. 

By  Casey

<<Networking Nugget>> Facebook driven.  Join 3 groups where your “DREAM” prospects would hang out & post to the wall of each.  **Note: When posting in the groups DO NOT post any link. All you should post is “Hey, I am happy to be a small part of an amazing group, if we are not connected, friend me up!” This way you have the ACTIVE members of the group sending you friend requests.

Here is the theory behind this nugget. You see, as we build up our network of relationships, we want to include people who are active in what they do.  I know there are some people who can’t even imagine having 5ooo connections on Facebook, but I assure you, you will be there shortly and then you will kick yourself for not being a bit more careful in who  you accept into your profile page.  All I am suggesting is that people who are actively using the groups where you post will have a higher likelihood of being in the networking game as opposed to people who are not active inside the group.  Plus the big bonus is now they are sending you a request instead of you having to send requests.  When someone sends you a friend request, I hope you are at least sending back a tiny note thanking them and how excited you are to connect.

Go join a few groups and then go give someone an AWESOME day!

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